Manufacturing unit 1 in Vantaa, Finland

Manufacturing unit 1 in Vantaa, Finland

Manufacturing unit 1 in Vantaa, Finland

Assembly and components in Vantaa, Finland

Assembly and components in Vantaa, Finland

Assembly and components in Vantaa, Finland

Demo and test facilities in Järvenpää, Finland

Demo and test facilities in Järvenpää, Finland

Demo and test facilities in Järvenpää, Finland

Manufacturing unit 2 in Tallinn, Estonia

Manufacturing unit 2 in Tallinn, Estonia

Manufacturing unit 2 in Tallinn, Estonia

Automated Solid Waste Collection Systems and Vacuum Conveying Systems

The world’s largest R&D and demonstration Automatic Solid Waste Collection System (AWCS) completely installed indoors

About MariMatic

MariMatic®, a member of the MariGroup companies, has over the years researched and developed many innovative products that serve the modern world. One of these products, in which MariMatic® specializes, is automated solid waste collection system (AWCS). The company manufactures two types of waste collection systems: the Taifun® hygienic conveying system for food industry, launched in the 1980s for use in industrial applications, and the MetroTaifun®, launched in 2010, and is specifically designed for subterranean conveyance of municipal waste. MariMatic® has delivered around 1,500 systems in over 40 countries.

marimatic hqMariMatic® continues to strive onward in this field, and in recent years has invested millions of euros in research and development in the MetroTaifun® AWCS, and holds an extensive portfolio of Finnish and Foreign patents and patent applications.

MariMatic® is thinking big and, at the same time, thinking small. MetroTaifun® AWCS far exceeds its competitors in the land area each of its systems reach. Yet, at the same time it has, with its waste reduction Formator, decreased the diameter of the network pipes by half, while increasing the number of residents that can be served, and simultaneously reducing the costs of the materials required.

In every aspect of design, MariMatic® is constantly aware of the fragile environment and the impact MetroTaifun® AWCS may have on it. In replacing the traditional waste collection systems and all of the environmental hazards that go with it, MariMatic® is extremely conscious of its responsibility to the environment and endeavours to eliminate any negative footprints with technological integrity. Sounds are reduced, odours eliminated, materials reduced, energy consumption slashed: again, one example of this is the Formator solution, which halves the diameter of the pipes required, creating an unstoppable avalanche of cost reduction, energy and material savings in every area.

To continue the development and research, we have built a MetroTaifun Technology and Demo Center, which is recognized for having the world’s largest working demonstration Automatic Solid Waste Collection System (AWCS) completely installed indoors. Visit MariMatic's R&D and demo center in Finland

Olemme edelläkävijä pneumaattisten jätteenkuljetusratkaisujen kehittämisessä puhtaamman ja kestävämmän ympäristön hyväksi. Etsimme nyt
- käytännönläheistä operaattoria ylläpitoon, huoltoon ja asennuksiin
- oppimishaluista ja ratkaisukeskeistä projekti-insinööriä kotimaan projekteihin
- oma-aloitteista sähkösuunnittelijaa

Edellytämme sujuvaa suomen kielitaitoa, englannin osaaminen katsotaan eduksi.

Tutustu tarkemmin avoimiin työpaikkoihimme alla olevien ilmoituslinkkien kautta.


Projekti-insinööri / projektipäällikkö


Join the MariMatic team! We are looking for a Finnish-speaking operator, project engineer/manager and electrical wiring designer in Helsinki metropolitan area. See the job descriptions in Finnish behind the above links.

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